I would like to argue this point, about his lack of change, but can't really come up with much. What you see is what you get. I have tweaked him a tad, but truly...He is the same person that he has always been...only less volatile. I believe every word that comes from his lips. His integrity surpasses the average man by leaps and bounds.
I, on the other hand, have changed beyond anything I could have imagined. This is not where, I say that it is all for the better, either. I mean, I suspect that with age comes wisdom, but not sure at what age that hits...LOL. Change is hard. There are things that I am giving up to be in this marriage, not things that I HAVE to have to be happy, but things nonetheless. (My brownstone in NYC for one...LOL.) Yet, when i weigh what is important to me these days, those "things" that I am giving up barely register on the scale of happiness.
Change is hard for anybody, and what bigger change is there in an adult life than marriage? Regardless, of how we have or haven't changed, Mr. Chad is in for the change of a lifetime. I can speak from experience, and of marriage--he has none. There is so much give and take in daily life that the first year really is make it or break it. I hope we have it in us to continue to make the changes needed for our marriage to grow.
I want my kids to have a happy home, that is full of laughter and good times. I want a man that I trust-one who loves me for me, and loves the girls like his own. When I really think about what I want in this life, it's simple...happiness...I guess what I may never have does not compare to what I already do...and that my friend, I wouldn't change at all.
37,36,35,34,33...and so on. I hope you will stick with me.
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