This is one of mine and Mr. Chad's favorite movies(is that grammatically correct?)...I have, also, heard it was the downfall of Kenny's acting career. Well, the Gambler was never really an actor to me...he was a singer--acting...LOL.
The theme song of the movie was Love will turn you around...and that is so true. I always feel lost when it comes to feelings, or how I should show or share them. My mother says that I never show enough, My girls act like I show too much, but Mr. Chad...well, he fits me like little Bear's porridge and bed to Goldilocks, he says that I'm "just right", and I hope, I'm fair and balanced on this feelings issue...LOL.
I try to let him know how much I love him, but words are never enough...will they ever be?...LOL. This is the person that will (allegedly...LOL) love me when my parents are not around, when my kids have moved on, and my friends no longer like me. Isn't that a big order to expect from a man who, before me, thought life was all about Bud Light, ballgames, and MMORPGs. (yeah, how you like them apples, Mr.Chad?...LOL, OK, someone at work gave me those initials.)
What I'm trying to say is, I guess Love does turn you around. The path you think you need to go down is not always the path for you. Remember that road less travelled thing you read in high school...one day it makes sense. :o)
6,5,4,3,2...and so on. I hope you will stick with me.
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