Sunday, August 17, 2008

"MY" classroom...2026.

This is it...the most dull classroom that I had ever been in--and it was mine. However, the moment I opened that door, it was like stepping into Narnia. I knew adventures were ahead and that I was going to meet the most special, most unique people. My life was, from this moment on, forever changed.

By the time I had left today, I had re-done everything, least in my mind I had, everything except for calling an educational-interior decorator. I was overwhelmed about what to do, and had to let go of doing it all in one day, or one week...but I knew it would all come as it was meant to...

I drew out plans of bulletin boards, and posters, and seating arrangements, but then thought...maybe I should let the kids have some say-so on their learning I will wait and get some input from them. I am so excited this must be what it feels like when someone says, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Well, I need to finish up my ideas before I go to bed...LOL, who am I kidding?? My ideas are never finished. Life (teaching) is a work in progress.

Take your seat, class.
Mrs. B :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you;re super glad you ended up with room 2026 caue thats where you see my happy face every morning for the best 55 minutes of my day. [;