Here's the story, my husband waits for months for this game to come out and pays for it waaaaay in advance so that he can get it in a little lunchbox carrier. I laugh so I don't cry...LOL.
However, it truly is funny when he is playing. I tend to go to bed and read, so when he appears from out of his office(game room)...I normally get a kiss, and ILY, and some random comment that I know has to relate to the game. For instance, last night, he was looking for a pressure cooker. Well, we don't own a pressure cooker, so I proceeded to ramble thru my mind about where I could find one and what in God's name he needed one for...LOL...and then, as always, I figured it had to do with the game. And it did.
I don't mind that he likes to do this sort of thing, though. I'm sure I have blogged or ranted about this before and like I always say, "he could be out doing something far worse", so I'll stick to having this sort of Fallout when it comes to being married.
Mrs. B :o)