My first field trip as a teacher was to a place called Lilly Cornett Woods (LCW). Although, I grew up in eastern Kentucky, I was not much of a hiker or explorer in these mountains, but when I came home again in my 30s, I discovered this place and fell in love with it.
According to Eastern Kentucky University's website, Lilley Cornett Woods, the first and one of the largest protected tracts of old-growth forests in eastern Kentucky, is a Registered National Natural Landmark by the U.S. Department of Interior. The Woods is used primarily for base-line ecological research and advanced undergraduate and graduate instruction by the University, Division of Natural Areas, Eastern Kentucky Environmental Research Institute and other institutions of higher education. Public use is limited to guided tours in this unique forest.
In fact, you must make an appointment to hike the property and only guided tours are allowed. (It is a beautiful place, but I would not want to get lost in there...I always look around when I am there b/c I'm afraid someone will wander out like on M. Night's movie, The Village....LOL.)
Anyway, it was great day for the kids, they hiked, played in the creek (OK, so they looked at lifeforms in the water), watched a falconer, learned about rabies and raccoons (ooh, ooh I'm a rabid squirrel...LOL), and most importantly to them...they missed a whole day of school. :o)
...and that was kind of nice for me, too.
reflecting on Walt Whitman,
Mrs. Boyd
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