He walks to the bathroom door and says, "huh?".
I proceed to tell him that it had just crossed my mind, since my bath was so warm and relaxing, that I couldn't remember a time that I had ever known him bathing. Turns out he couldn't remember a time either.
He walked away, perplexed I'm sure. I burst out laughing. I'm not sure why...just did. I guess because I know him and I know for the next 10 minutes...he was sitting there trying to figure out how my mind works and what brought me to this observation/question. LOL...that's how I roll. I've got to keep him on his toes or it will get boring...or he will commit me.
should we be led to believe that he showers in lieu of a bath lol
maybe he was just contemplating joining you.
I have a bit of a fear of bathtubs. I have not bathed in at least 15 years. Showers rock! ;)
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