My Mama mapped out the road that she knows
Which hands you shake and which hands you hold
In my hand-me-down Mercury, ready to roll
She knew that I had to go
And hang out, make lots of noise
And lay out late with a boy
Make the mistakes that she made 'cause she knew all along
Make the mistakes that she made 'cause she knew all along
I was already gone
I was already gone
I was already gone
Life is a runaway train you can't wait to jump on
They say the first time won't ever last
But that didn't stop me the first time he laughed
All my friends tried to warn me the day that we met
"Girl, don't you lose your heart yet"
But his dark eyes dared me with danger
And sparks fly like flame to a paper
Fire in his touch burning me up,
but still I held on
'Cause I was already gone
I was already gone
I was already gone
Life is a runaway train you can't wait to jump on
The last time I saw him, we packed up my things
And he smiled like the first time he told me his name
And we cried with each other
We split the blame for the parts that we couldn't change
Pictures, dishes and socks
It's our whole life down to one box
There he was waving goodbye on the front porch alone
But I was already gone
I was already gone
I was already gone
I was already gone
I was already gone
Hang out, make lots of noise
And lay out late with a boy
Make the mistakes that she made,
life is a runaway train
My mama mapped out the road that she knows
Which hands to shake, which hands you hold
In my hand-me-down Mercury
Life is a runaway train you can't wait to jump on
I never really paid attention this song before now. I like the lyrics, and it does seem fitting to dedicate to Catarina. I was sitting in the DQ parking lot and heard "carry on my wayward son." I love the first four verses, I pondered the lyrics for about 15 minutes, while I was waiting for my CB and Onion rings. :) The food was disgusting, old and cold but the moment was so nice I didnt really mind that I had to throw out the food.
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
...maybe a new "funeral song" for JD...LOL.
Well we can always hope the children will make their own mistakes and not the same ones we made but they have to learn on their own and live with those choices. That's what makes us into who we are. I hope, as always, they make the right choices...for them.
It is 7:09, and I still have this song in my head.... lol
I should post this on your christmas blog, but in case you are wondering how my Christmas went at my moms ( suprisingly quite well)and at JD's ( of course it went well, I love his Family!)then go check out my christmas photos.
Of course I am late posting...but you still haven't seen my gorgeous son so THAT HARDLY MAKES US EVEN! lol I love this song! they have kind of played it to death though. I also like Me and God love her and
"She’s a rebel child and a preacher’s daughter
She was baptized in dirty water
Her mama cried the first time they caught her with me
They knew they couldn’t stop her
She holds tight to me and the Bible
On the back seat of my motorcycle
Left her daddy standing there preaching to the choir, you see
God love her
Oh, me and God love her
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