(the CD he made is not the one pictured to the right, but I was trying to give you a feel for the moment.)
We've all heard of drinking and dialing, right? Well, my husband likes to drink and download...LOL. If Itunes only knew the stuff he was buying while lit up like a Christmas tree, they would send him a case of Bud Light a week. (Yes, we buy all of our music!!!!)
Anyway, I could not wait to listen to and could only imagine what was on that CD, but I was surprised by some of the selections, saddened by one or two or 10, and then cracked up at the very last one...and why it even made it on the CD.
Here it is, and for the most part, why it's on there...some are self-explanatory.
- Close Enough to Perfect-Alabama He loves to play Alabama love songs for me. Our first dance as husband and wife was to Alabama's Feel so Right, but he sings this one to me all the time.
- Once in a Blue Moon-Earl Thomas Conley A great love song, but it makes me think that he thinks, I underestimate his love and devotion to me, which could not be further from the way I truly feel.
- She's a Miracle-Exile He thinks that I'm a great catch, I guess. :o)
- Major Moves-Hank Williams, Jr His life changed a lot by marrying me and settling down. He says he loves the life he has b/c I'm in it. (aawwwwe...he really does say things like this almost daily.)
- Time in a Bottle-Jim Croce The quintessential love song. He somehow fits it into my birthday every year. I can not listen to this song completely without tears showing up to make me look like a cry baby.
- Mama he's Crazy-The Judds He knows I love these gals and I could not say it better if I was singing this song to my own mother.
- When you say Nothing at All-Keith Whitley Our wedding song and a very touching, yet funny, moment from our wedding. Every husband and wife, every set of lovers-old and young, should feel this way about their relationship.
- Home-Michael Buble'/Blake Shelton It's a song that I have experienced and he has, too. We love both versions, but he picked the one I love (Buble') just a tad more, even though he loves the other version (Shelton). I always picture the 2 of us dancing somewhere, in another country, and laughing, and being in love...and then coming back to the place we love--Home.
- If you didn't love me-Phil Stacey Says it all, kinda... in an upbeat, ex-American idol kind of way. I was shocked this was on here b/c I never thought he would had listened to it.
- Love You Out Loud-Rascal Flatts My husband is a very shy-ish guy, so the thought of him wanting to tell people how much in love he is with me...makes me blush and reminds me how lucky I am.
- Unchained Melody-The Righteous Brothers Come on, people. Does there ever have to be an explanation for this song ? Think back to Ghost...go ahead, cry if you need to...LOL.
- All For You-Sister Hazel His Mantra, he says...LOL.
- Leather and Lace-Stevie Nicks/Don Henley This song is us, a bit. It's a great love song that we both really like and the lyrics are us.
- Do I make you Proud-Taylor Hicks I can only assume that he wonders if I like, love, appreciate the man that he is. I do.
- LoveSong-Tesla This is just a great song and takes us both back in the day to a time when we were younger and free-er, but makes us thankful for where we are.
- Imagine-John Lennon If only we could all live by this song's message!
- Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton This is one of the most heart-touching love songs...EVER. We have all been one of these 2 people and had this conversation with out significant other, right?
- The Greatest Love of All-Whitney Houston Wait a sec, let me pull myself together, since I have been laughing from the moment I heard it...LOL. I had no idea why this song made it to "our" mix-cd. I thought about it...Hard! Did we dance to it? Did it play in the background on some special occasion? Did it involve the kids? I was stumped...so I had to ask him. He replied, simply, " No reason really. It had love in it and lasted 4:55, and that was all the time I had left one the cd." What?! I had to laugh (again), because that is so like my husband. When it comes to the end...Practical supersedes Romantic-al...LOL.
That's why I married him. No, really...it is.
:o) Mrs. B
First thing that came to mind when I read this was Brian Mcknight and "your the only one for me" I think we are all guilty of making a mix taped at least once in our life. It takes me way back to 1999, when my sister and I use to make mixed tapes all the time. ( yes a casette tape, not a cd) I remember one that we made, with Brian Mcknight and Paula Cole.....
Carmen- Paula Cole
Carmen, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if I can go back
Carmen I'll never be never be never be the same again
Carmen (6 times)
The way you set the table
The way you lean in to tell me something soft
The way I can see into you
The way you tell me I talk too much about myself
It's true, I talk too much about myself
But right now
Right now I wanna talk over you now
Carmen, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if I can go back
Carmen I'll never be, never be, never be the same again
Carmen (6 times)
I love the way you think
Is it biological or all the acid
You've eaten?
Just take me into your body
I wanna be drunk I wanna be high
I wanna be drunk I wanna be high on you
Carmen, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if I can go back
Carmen I'll never be, never be, never be the same again
Carmen (6 times)
I don't know I don't know I don't know
I don't know I don't know I don't know
if I can go go go go go go go go back home
I don't know I don't know I don't know
I don't know I don't know I don't know
If I can be happily sane again
Such a nice mix CD. I would have included: "If" by Bread. Alas, there are so many that are worthy. I have not met Mr. Chad but I like him already. A guy needs Heart and it certainly sounds like he has it!!
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