I search the internet daily for bloggers that I feel like I connect with,
but rarely do I find any.
I am too old,
or too young.
Sometimes, not religious enough,
or maybe not cool or hip enough.
I don't have a gaggle of sorority sisters to follow me,
and I haven't been featured anywhere for a slew of people to start following, either.
Honestly, I have been blogging for nearly 4 years and only have 77 followers.
...and of those, I am 99% sure only 10 read on a regular basis.
I want to say I am discouraged, but really...I am not.
I write for me.
It warms my heart putting my words out there.
Knowing I am blessed in so many ways;
Sharing happiness, sadness, adventures, everything.
Every friendship, I have ever had, I feel like I have given my all...all the time.
I guess, that is why I am devoted to this thing--followers or not.
In the end,
it appears,
it has turned out to be one of my best friends.