I assume it's true we all want to find our true love the first time around. However, that does not always happen. In fact, it may take some "MANY more times around" than others. I am on my 2nd marriage and I have found the love of my life. It does not mean I did not love my first husband. I did. I just did not love him the way I love my husband now. My husband now is the one that God intended for me to have. The first time around I wanted control of who my mate would be, the 2nd time around I let God have control and prayed, and prayed, and prayed about it. He gave me the mate I was intended to spend the rest of my life with--FOREVER.
My first husband gave me the 2 most wonderful blessings that I could ever have ask for, not saying that I will never be blessed again with more children, but right now I am VERY happy with how things have turned out. My girls are perfect...well, they are to me.
Yet, the price of divorce is sometimes making decisions that are not always what I want. I wish so badly that my ex-husband and I lived closer together...much closer...like in the same subdivision closer. By being 13 1/2 hours apart, it makes for a lot of travel time. I have blogged before about liking the time that I spend in the car alone traveling with the girls, and I do, but when I can't be there in the moments they really need me for (even if it's just a hug moment)...I get overwhelmed with sadness.
This is not to say I would have stayed married if I had it all to do over again. I wouldn't and neither would the EX. We both have the lives we were meant to have these days and "for the rest of our lives" , but the highest price of divorce, when children are involved, is that there is no right answers on how to solve the time and distance issue and all that we can hope for is that years down the road they understand that every decision was made with their best interest at heart!
Mrs. B
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