Monday, January 10, 2011

Just Dance for Wii! OMG!

We're getting another snow storm this week and I knew it would be unlikely that I would be able to get out to do Zumba, so what do I do to help with this conundrum?

I Just Dance (2)!

Last night, I ran to the grocery to grab some fruit. I had dinner at Subway, too...and I had been wanting it for a week, so thank you to my cousin V who drove because I am a chicken to drive when there is ice on the road--anywhere!
(That sentence seems way too long.)

Anyway, had to stop at Wal-ly World and for some reason I was drawn to the video games.There it was, not the one I wanted really. I mean, with my minor OCD, how could I buy part 2 before doing part 1. However, I opted to go for it and OMG was it a great purchase. The hubs wasn't/isn't quite on board with it, but I believe he will come around.

Got back to the house and V and I jammed! It was hilarious. Almost a better work-out than Zumba! I am sure you Kinect people will weigh-in on how much better it is on your system, but since I don't have that system...I don't care!...LOL. All I can say is, if your gaming system has a dance, run as fast as you can to get it. It rocks!

P.S. I can not wait to do this with Catarina and Claudia!

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