Friday, April 25, 2008

59...I'm almost halfway, right?

Each time I hit a day that ends in the number "9", I feel like the wedding is closer. By the time "9" actually rolls around I'll be jumping out of my skin.

Mr. Chad and I have done most of the little things, but we have not finalized our wedding guest lists. That issue has top priority come this weekend. 100 invitations can mean 200, 300, or 400 guests...and that is not what we want. Price and budget have something to do with it, but mainly, we want a very intimate ceremony. I want to get lost in the moment, not in the crowd. I want to be able to see, and recognize everyone in the church.

For once, even if for different reasons, we are on the same page about one thing...having a wedding that celebrates and focuses on us and the girls, regardless of how many people are there...As long as we are surrounded by those we love, and those who love us then that will be enough and that's really all one needs...

59,58,57,56,55...and so on. I hope you will stick with me.

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